
What are the 4 core values of Agile methodology?

13 May 2022 By PAYCEC

There are 4 essential values that underpin Agile methodology. Understanding these values is critical to fully comprehend the Agile methodology.

Let's take a closer look at the core values first:

  • Value 1: Individuals and Interactions

Several development teams have focused on building software utilizing the greatest resources or methodologies available in the past. Despite the importance of these factors, "The Agile Manifesto" argues that the operations' people are far more valuable.

Having the appropriate individuals on the software team is crucial to success. In the wrong hands, even the best procedures are useless. Perhaps even more important is how these people engage with one another. Interactions among team members enable them to work together to overcome any problems that occur. More information is available in my essay How to Create High-Performance Agile Teams.

  • Value 2: Working Software

Software developers used to spend many hours compiling detailed records. It was also before they started writing a single line of code. Even if your documentation is correct, you must focus on delivering functional software to your clients.

One of the key goals of the Agile Manifesto is providing software for your customers. You may then use the feedback to improve future releases.

  • Value 3: Customer collaboration

Contracts used to reign supreme. You'd make preparations for your clientele and then go into great detail about the ultimate outcome. As a result, the meaning of the agreement, the product, and the unique desires of the customer are occasionally at odds.

According to the Agile Manifesto, the focus should be on continued growth. To ensure that your product functions well, you must build a feedback mechanism for your customers.

  • Value 4: Reacting to change

Could you picture making a blueprint and then never changing it? This is, after all, what happened in the past.

The problem with static roadmaps is that they don't exist in a fixed setting. Needs and demands are still changing, as are ambitions. This static roadmap would be quickly out of date.

The Agile Manifesto asserts that a software team should be able to pivot and alter course if necessary, thanks to a flexible roadmap. Agile teams can keep up with changes in a dynamic plan that can range from a quarter to quarter, even months to months.

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