
What are Agile methodology steps?

13 May 2022 By PAYCEC

The Agile lifecycle is divided into six steps:

  • Step 1: Concept

The Agile method's initial step is to scope out and prioritize projects. Gather your team and stakeholders to discuss and find business prospects, as well as estimate project time and costs. Then you may prioritize your project backlog by determining which initiatives are viable and worthwhile.

  • Step 2: Inception

The next step is to determine how you will complete your project once you have determined what it is. What kind of people do you need on your team? What are the customer's initial requirements? Make a diagram to outline team roles and the work that must be completed throughout each sprint.

  • Step 3: Iteration

The development team can begin work on the first iteration once your initial project has been specified and accepted.

During this phase, the general workflow is as follows:

- Confirm needs based on the product backlog and comments from stakeholders.

- Develop the product according to the specifications.

- Testing—Conduct quality assurance testing to verify the features and identify any problems.

- Produce a functioning product.

- Gather feedback from customers and stakeholders in order to create the next iteration's requirements.

  • Step 4: Release

It's time to unveil the final product after several iterations. Before launching into production, you will complete final testing and quality assurance to discover faults, resolve defects, and prepare user documentation.

  • Step 5: Production

Your product is now available to the general public! Your feature is now in the production phase. Have your staff provide continual monitoring and assistance to keep the system functioning well and ensure users understand how to use it.

  • Step 6: Retirement

The retirement phase begins when your system becomes obsolete, unnecessary, or ready to be replaced. All end-of-life actions, such as contacting customers and removing the system release from production, are included in this stage.

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