
How much is the American Express (Amex) Platinum fee in Singapore?

05 May 2023 By PAYCEC

When choosing a credit card, the annual fee is a concern. The Amex Platinum charge card in Singapore is S$324 (incl. of 8% GST with effect from 1 Jan 2023).

If you have numerous cards linked to your account, the yearly fee for each will be charged.

It’s worth noting that the annual charge is waived for the first year, allowing you to test the card and determine whether it’s worth the investment before committing to the entire amount.

The first two additional cards are always free, while future ones cost $162 a piece.

In addition to the annual charge, the American Express Platinum Credit Card requires a minimum income of S$80,000 or $6,667 per month.

To be eligible for credit cards, you must have a personal or family income of at least this amount.

It’s worth mentioning that this is the American Express Platinum card in Singapore with the lowest minimum income criteria among the three available in Singapore.

The Platinum Reserve, a tier higher, requires a minimum annual income of S$150,000, while the AMEX Platinum Charge, two tiers above, requires a minimum annual income of S$200,000.

While the fee and minimum income criteria for the American Express Platinum charge card appear high, I must evaluate the card’s features and bonuses.

If the rich rewards points, travel insurance, and concierge services are valuable to me, the yearly cost and minimum income restrictions may be worth it.

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